I got started a little late. In between painting graphics on my friends skate boards and creating album art and gig posters, I decided I had a better chance of being one of the worlds greatest Rock Drummers than a Graphic Designer. A few weird and wildly unpopular bands, two divas and one genuine Yoko later, I decided to switch careers and attended Grenadi School of Design and Award School in Melbourne.
I balanced my day job with personal creative work, like designing pop culture art, movie posters and a graphic novel. This garnered attention from a few friends and eventually led to a steady stream of work from small businesses. As a result I was able to build a broad portfolio which earned me my first legitimate design role as Graphic Designer for Foodstuffs NZ.
My creative style is to find a fresh and fun approach to the idea I’ve been assigned or am interested in. I do several iterations on each point and usually end up refining the one I find most controversial, while adhering to the brand guidelines
I am always looking for a way to arrest the audience and plant a little bit of desire in their hearts; a yearning to turn the page and learn more about your idea. Ultimately, it’s about creating memorable images.